Artigos Destaques Pesquisa

Uncovering and comparing academics’ views of teaching using the pedagogic frailty model as a tool: a case study in science education

Artigo completo | Educational Research, 2020

Uncovering and comparing academics’ views of teaching using the pedagogic frailty model as a tool: a case study in science education

Joana G. Aguiar, Ian M. Kinchin, Paulo R. M. Correia, María Elena Infante-Malachias, Thiago R. L. C. Paixão

One approach to enhancing the pedagogy of science education is to employ academics who are not only science-trained but also engaged in education research. As some academics begin their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research careers with a pure science background, shifting in disciplinary perspectives can be a source of professional tension. The pedagogic frailty model provides a framework that helps us to integrate institutional efforts to enhance teaching improvements by maintaining a simultaneous focus on critical areas that are thought to impede academic development.

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